María Isabel Arróniz from Antonio Hellín IES has got a tablet for having won the first prize

This morning the Plenary Hall of Casas Consistoriales (town hall) has received the awards of the I Poetry Contest “Declara – te”, that has been convened by Mazarrón Town Hall within the program to promote reading that the municipal libraries carry out . The student from Antonio Hellín IES of  Mazarrón Port , María Isabel Arróniz García, has won the first prize of the contest which has been a tablet ( a type of laptop, larger than a smartphone or  PDA).

The second person awarded, who has got a music player  Mp3, has been José Manuel González Sánchez from Domingo Valdivieso secondary School of Mazarrón. Although the contest “a priori” did not provide more awards, the Education council has given two accésits that have been given to Estefanía Caballero Millán, also from  Antonio Hellín IES, and Germán Cebrinos Gómez, from Siglo XXI Center. Both have got a poetry book for their works. The poems had to be related with the love, so today, St Valentines, the awards have been given.

The awards have been given by Mazarrón Mayor, Ginés Campillo, and by Education Council, María Celeste Soria. The Mayor has congratulated to the winners and he has asked them, and as well to the other participants, “that continue writing and participating in contests that  be convened”. On the other hand, the council of Education has highlighted “the good acceptance that has had the contest for being the first time that it has been convened, as were presented half hundred poems, all of them of high quality”.