The council of Education supports the proyects of educational improvement that the EOI is designing in Mazarrón

The official language school (EOI) of Mazarrón celebrated last Thursday its Cultural Days, like the rest of extensions attached to the delegation of  Lorca of this educational organization. From 5 p.m., a large number of citizens, mostly of British nationality, came to the school “Miguel Delibes” of Puerto de Mazarrón, where the EOI has its seat, to participate in this event. The car park of the centre was the chosen place for the celebration of a “Car Boot Sale”, a charity market organized by the EOI and the charity association “GOmaD Charity”.

The students of the EOI, with other British citizens, were in charge of selling different productos of second hand to raise funds for “GOmad Charity”, who will destine the amount collected to the purchase of food for disadvantaged social groups of the town. As explained the manager of the EOI extension in Mazarrón, Sira Martínez, “the students are using  English to communicate with the buyers. Of this way they practice with the language, something that we promote and practically require to our students”.

Also “our students enlarge their knowledge about the British culture  and they are participants and understand the importance of the volunteering”, stated Martínez who did not want to miss the opportunity to “thank to the council of Education and the Town Hall all the support that give us. Also thank the presence of  GOmaD Charity, the enthusiasm of the students that have came today until here and the implication of the teachers, specially of  Elena García who has implicated with the organization of these days ”.

To the event also attended the council of Education, María Celeste Soria, who highlighted  “the great educational work that is carrying out the EOI in Mazarrón training to citizens of all ages in the learning of the English language”. The council said that  “they know that they have our support for everything that they need and that we will help them in the achievement of important projects for the educational improvement in which are working”. Although neither Soria or Martínez wanted to reveal much about this aspect, they announced that they are studying the possibility of implant a second language that could be German or French. The Cultural days had also a contest of photography and a chat about Finland in English that offered the language assistant in English  Siru Kayhko.