The web site www.mazarron.es will show the offers of contract of the Town Hall in a exercise of transparency

Provide a greater transparency of the local administration to the citizen  and make possible the presence of the largest possible number of companies of Mazarrón in the offers of works and services that are contracted from the town hall. This is the maximum that the Government Team of the Town Hall has argued to announce the offer of engagement of the works of improvement of four roads in the town, as well as the engagement of a cleaning service for the municipal public buildings.

The first of the works consists in the paving of the road Los Rincones with a maximun budget  of execution of 49.504,69 euros, IVA included. The second one is the conditioning and paving of the road of Gañuelas valued in 24.949,21 euros, IVA included. The third offer, also about the improvement of roads, is the paving of a  stretch of the road Del Molino in Majada and other stretch of the road  Los Samaritos in Atalaya for 24.706,99 euros, IVA included.

Also there is an offer to contact the Cleaning Services of Municipal Public Buildings for  59.000 euros of principal and 10.620 euros IVA, for a period of four months. Specifically from 1st September to 31st  December 2012. All companies interested in getting information about some of the contracts that are offered to present its proposal or proposals can come to Alcaldía on the third floor of the Town Hall of Mazarrón, or phone to 968 33 93 16.

The Mayor, Ginés Campillo, who was during the announcement with his partners of government, the Deputy Mayor of Town Planning, Francisco García; and the councils, David Fernández and José Gómez; highlighted that “in this way we offer the maximum transparency about the engagements in the Town Hall and we achieve that a greater number of companies of the town have the opportunity to participate in these offers”. For that “will be made the relevant announcements to the media and we will inform of all the offers through the municipal web site www.mazarron.es”.