As Mayor of Mazarrón I wish to estend a message of encouragement and strength to the residents of Camposol, to the British residents and all the foreign residents in our municipality who are living through this extremely difficult pandemic situation.

From the Town Hall of Mazarrón we are working in close partnership with all other Aministrations, with the Regional Authority and Government Delegation, to ensure that all protective and preventative measures are activated in order to stop the advancement of the Coronavirus.

The Civil Protection, the Local Police and the Guardia Civil are working to ensure everybody’s safety, and undertake daily checks  and controls to implement the rules of the Lock-Down. According to the information provided, many fines have been imposed for failing to abide-by the travel restrictions, but the majority of the population are complying with the rules imposed. This is fundamental to prevent further contamination and to begin to achieve positive results in the hope that this nightmare will soon end.

In the Municipality of Mazarrón we have, to date, 17 positive cases of COVID-19, of which 9 have been discharged.

The prevention and cleaning of public areas is essential, therefore the Services Department of the Town Hall, in cooperation with the Military Emergency Unit and the Regional Forest Fires Defence Unit regularly disinfect the Commercial Centres and other areas of greater affluence of people.

On Sunday 12th April, Mazarrón received 6000 masks from the Spanish Government, via the Regional Government Delegation, destined to the workforce returning to work on Monday 13th. These are being distributed by the Local Police, the Civil Protection and the Guardia Civil at various points throughout the municipality such as access points to Commercial and Industrial perimeters.

I wish to thank you all, most sincerely, for your cooperation in the endeavour to stop this epidemic. I acknowledge with pride the efforts of the whole Municipality to stay at home and abide-by the restrictions imposed. We are still weeks away from normality, but I beg you to continue in your efforts which save lives, and in doing so we will overcome this difficult situation, united and stronger than ever.