The plenum reduces the sanction to the concessionaire company after beginning to undertake the works

The plenum of the Town Hall of Mazarrón has passed today  to reject the appeal that was interposed by the concessionaire of the Municial Service of Water  “Aqualia” to who, the itself Plenum , obligated to undertake the works of reparation of the water tank of Gañuelas district. Also, the maximun municipal authority  interposed in that time a sanction of  75.00 euros to the concessionaire company.

This morning the council of Town Planning and Infrastructure, Francisco García, has explained that  “the concessionarie company has already started with the works of reparation and these go to a good rhythm. So the rapair will be ready this month”. To this situation, the Plenum has rejected, with the favor votes of the Government Team, the appeal  of “Aqualia” and has reduced the sanction imposed to the concessionaire till 18.943, 35 euros.

As has explained the council of Infrastructures, “the reduction responds to  the reflected in the article 19.5 of the specifications, in which agrees a reduction of the sanction of a 0.5% on the works execution budget”. It is, then, of “a situation that benefits to the citizens, to the Town Hall and also to the concessionaire company”, has highlighted Francisco García.

The Mayor of Mazarrón, Ginés Campillo, has highlighted that  “as with this situation, we are going to require to the concessionaire company of the Municipal Service of Water that fulfills with the specifications, as the Town Hall and the citizens fulfill with their part”. For the first council “we will continue defending that we think that is right and, above any interest, we will defend that is beneficial and necessary  so that this service fulfill with the requirements of the users”.