There could be changes in phases 2 and 3

The attached calendar is the de-escalation plan put forward by the Spanish Government consisting of four phases, which the different Regions will only access if they are able to meet the criterias that the Ministry of Health has set: healthcare capacity, epidemiological situation, and socioeconomic data and mobility Thus, it is estimated that this transition to "the new normal" will last at least eight weeks, not allowing for a resurgence of the virus which could result in backward steps being taken, the coloured “Phases” and activities are as follows:-


PINKPhase 1 – Initiation – from May 11

Click below:



YELLOWPhase 2 – Intermediate – from May 25

Personal: Weddings with limited number of attendees.

Commerce and services: Opening of shopping malls to the public, prohibiting their stay in common areas or recreational areas.

Hospitality: Consumption on the premises with table service with separation between clients at table and between tables. Limitation to one third of the capacity.

Hotels: Opening of common areas limited to 1/3 of capacity except restaurants and cafes, with their own restrictions.

Non-professional sport: Resumption of sport hunting and fishing.

Professional and federated sport: Basic training in federated non-professional leagues, and total training in professional leagues. Games behind closed doors and broadcast.

Leisure: Cinemas, theatres and auditoriums with pre-assigned seats, with a capacity limit of one third. Cultural activities with less than 50 people. If they are outdoors, less than 400 people.

Places of worship: Limitation of half the capacity.

Education: Opening of Infant up to 6 years for families whose parents work. Special education centres open Selectively.


GREENPhase 3 – Advanced – June 8

Personal: Social contact for people who are not vulnerable or with previous pathologies.

Commerce and services: The prohibition on the use of common areas and recreational areas of shopping centres is lifted. Capacity at 50%.

Hospitality: Capacity will be expanded to 50% of capacity. Night bars and discos can open with a third of the capacity.

Hotels: The common areas will admit half of their capacity. Cafeterias and restaurants will maintain the restrictions of their sector.

Leisure: Cultural events and shows, theme parks and outdoor entertainment for less than 800 people, all seated.

After Advanced Phase June 22, Spain will enter its “New Normality” continuing to exercise hygiene measures.

The requirements to advance to next phase

The examinations by the Regions to go to the next phase that will be carried out every fortnight and will be exhaustive. Each province will have to overcome a series of demands and criteria that ensure that it is not only leaving the pandemic behind, but also avoiding another possible outbreak.