During the meeting it was talked about the constitution and support to the rural women´s cooperatives

The Federation of Associations of Rural Women  (FADEMUR) organized the days 26 and 27 January in Madrid its  5º State Meeting between the Rural Cooperatives of Proximity Services. To this meeting attended more than 90 representatives women of the fifteen autonomous communities where Fademur has started a complete program of formation and training in social services for rural women, with the objective of setting up cooperatives of work related with proximity services in rural.

To the meeting attended in representation of the Rural Women of Gañuelas Association (ADEMUR –GAMA) the council of Rural Development, Agriculture and Fishing, Magdalena Méndez, who also represented to Mazarrón Town Hall. Magdalena Méndez carried out some contacts with other associations and defended the role of the local administration as motor  for the development of the rural areas, as well as the maintenance of the agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing.

This program that FADEMUR has developed since five year ago with the collaboration of Spain Government, is addressed to unemployed women of rural areas and has as objective  impulse the incorporation, permanence and promotion of the women in the labor market, as well as promote the enterprising spirit and business, specially between women that are in special difficulties of access to the labor market and who are in situation or at risk of social exclusion.

Magdalena Méndez has explained that “from the Town Hall we are going to work for starting programs like that, that helps to the women of the rural areas to be incorporated to the labor market ”. For that it will put emphasis in  “the importance of promoting the associations, as well as setting up cooperatives of work constituted by women ”. The council has explained that  “from my department we will be available for those citizens that need be informed to set up their own projects”.

Magdalena Méndez animates to the women of Mazarrón to look for working niches that can generate jobs, specially to the current economic situation that we are living at the moment. These working niches, as explained the council, will go related to provide assistance services and other projects linked with Social and Equality Policy  such as the development of Dependence Law in all its scopes. The council of Rural Development is situated on the first floor of  the Town Hall.