Sports installations, museums and centres for the elderly are all being closed

The Mayor of Mazarrón, Gaspar Miras Lorente, has issued an official Bando de Alcaldía announcing exceptional measures to be taken by the town hall in the light of the rapid spread of the coronavirus in order to minimise the risk of contagion.
1) All municipal installations will be closed including the a) Centros de Mayores (centres for the elderly) b) Museums c) Exhibition halls d) Sporting installations and facilities e) Children’s attention centres throughout the municipality
2) All activities up to and including the 31st March will be cancelled as follows:
a) The libraries b) Cultural centres and museums c) Casas Consistoriales exhibitions
3) Sporting activities.
All Sporting activities will be cancelled.
4) All weekly Street markets in the municipality will be cancelled
5) Fiestas de San José; all activities cancelled including the tapas route.
The town hall requests that residents do not go to the hospitals, health centres or doctors other than for urgent reasons.
All non-urgent appointments with the regional health service are being cancelled.
Follow the preventative instructions given by the regional health authorities:
- Wash hands frequently with either soap and water or a sanitiser gel
- Catch coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues – and throw the tissues away immediately after use before immediately washing your hands!
- If you don’t have a tissue, use your sleeve – and wash the item of clothing used at the next opportunity
- AVOID touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
- AVOID close contact with people who are unwell
The regional government has set up a special helpline to supply information to members of the public (900 121212), and also urges people to call the 112 emergency services line if they suspect that they may have contracted the virus rather than going straight to hospital or to a medical centre. Medical staff will be sent to your home to test for the virus.
The Region’s public hospitals have limited the number of visitors to just one per patient and cancelled all non-urgent appointments so call your hospital or consultant if you have a non-urgent appointment.
The Mayor also recommends that residents follow the recommendation of the regional government and avoid gatherings of more than 30 people, including weddings, funerals, business and social gatherings etc.
The Mayor hopes that residents in the municipality will act with common sense and prudence and thus help to minimise the risk of spreading the virus within the municipality.