The Mayor, Gaspar Miras, has issued a Proclamation in which he warns that these incursions will entail administrative fines and the eventual charge of a crime of disobedience

The Mayor of Mazarrón, Gaspar Miras, has issued an Edict in which he reminds citizens that travel to second homes is prohibited by Royal Decree 463/2020, after detecting that some people from other municipalities and other regions have travelled to the Mazarron municipality, especially in the coastal area.

The Mayor has warned that "failure to comply with this prohibition will result in the application of the corresponding administrative fine and, where appropriate, the possible charge of a crime of disobedience." Local Police and Guardia Civil are intensifying controls in this regard with reinforced controls at the main entrance roads, especially those leading to Puerto de Mazarrón.

Gaspar Miras explained that "this action reinforces the Royal Decree of the State of Emergency of the Government of Spain to avoid and limit the access of people to the municipality who do not have their permanent residence here" since "we must recognize and thank that in Mazarrón, Citizen responsibility with confinement measures is developing at satisfactory levels typical of a caring and committed people. As is evident that since last weekend only one positive case has increased in the municipality, accounting for a total of 13 cases”.

For this reason, the Mayor stressed that "it is the obligation of the Town Council to safeguard the health of our neighbours, warning non-residents that failure to comply with the restrictions on movement will be harshly punished, especially in view of the proximity of Easter" and wanted to emphasize, Once again, that “it is essential to stay at home and that we do not leave unless absolutely necessary, especially now when the number of infections seems to have stabilized and we are winning the battle against the virus. A battle that we will win if we stick together and follow the rules”.