The exhibition “Granadas de Agua, Mares de Papel” can be visited in Casas Consistoriales until next 6th September

There are nights that we will remember and, without doubt, the night that we lived yesterday in Casas Consistoriales of Mazarrón will be one of them. The artist Pedro Cano gained the heart of everybody with his exhibition “Granadas de Agua, Mares de Papel” that until the next 6th September can be visited in the mentioned building situated in Town Hall square. Due to the quality and importance of the exhibition, this can be viewed in a special time from Tuesday to Sunnday from 10 to 13 hours and from 18 to 23 hours.

The exhibition was inaugurated by the Mayor of Mazarrón, Ginés Campillo, who ensured that “it is the exhibition that I am going to inaugurate with most fondly  since I am Mayor of Mazarrón”.This affirmation was given because Pedro Cano evoked in the Mayor nostalgic memories when he was asked for “El Remate”, the old fish market of Puerto de Mazarrón today disappeared. Ginés Campillo explained emotional that  “when I was asked for the Remate I remembered my childhood, my mother, my uncle Ginés and, of course, my grandfather”.

It was the friendship that joins the painter with the family of the Mayor that has propitiated that Mazarrón can enjoy of a great exhibition divided in two parts, as explained Pedro Cano. On the one hand  “I expose some aquarelles of pomegranates that I have painted in the last years and that are accompanied of a beautiful  "ripio" that  wrote me Francisco Rabal , the actor most important of this country, that was born so close of Mazarrón and who is still alive in the heart of all the spanish people”.

On the other hand, the artist of Murcia most international exhibits a serie of travel notebooks  that close us to seas of Greece and Turkey with the sensibility, unique, own and different, that  Pedro Cano impress to his works. It is an exhibition very personal and emotional of the painter. In this sense, Cano revealed that “in this section of the Mares de Papel also can be viewed some drawings that I made in La Azohía forty years ago, as well as a notebook that was born of a travel to  Mazarrón and that my dear Patricia has lent me for this occasion so special”.

The words of praise to the artist, and also to the town hall for its excellent work for bringing to Mazarrón this exhibition, were attached each other during the night. A nice example were the statements of the council of Culture, Tourism and Education, María Celeste Soria, who said of the author that “Pedro Cano is defined for his human quality, his genius when he transmits the emotional nature of the things and his sensibility in the perception of the things that are around him. With him the paint of Murcia gets one of the most highest levels of quality and international, national and local  recognition”.

The Mayor of Mazarrón was grateful to the painter for “tip over  with this exhibition”, while that Cano revealed “the special love that I have to  Mazarrón because was here where I knew for first time the sea”. For these, and other more reasons, Ginés Campillo gave to the artist the shield of gold of the town hall that  Cano received emotional and thanked to  Mazarrón its hospitality. After, Pedro Cano signed the honor book of the town hall of Mazarrón dedicated to all citizens “this exhibition that I know that they will enjoy because it is made with much love and from the heart”.

The painter also praised the catalog that has heen made to commemorate this exhibition that is inside of the celebration of 440 Anniversary of the grant of the privilege of  Villa. A great catalog that was distributed to the attendees and which has four excellent sheets that represent his famous pomegranates, in whose reverse can be read the poem that the actor Paco Rabal dedicated to the artist. Some of the attendees asked to Cano to sign this catalog that in its section of the “Mares de Papel” reflects also some words of the painter and the Mayor Ginés Campillo.

Later was the time for the special agape in the two terraces of Casas Consistoriales building. In one of them, dedicated to “Mares de Papel”, the attendess could taste tasty salted, as mojama and hueva, with tomatoes cherry of the region and a soft white wine. In the other terrace, dedicated to “Granadas de Agua”, was served a special gin tonic composed for some fruits included the pomegranate.

With this exhibition Mazarrón holds very high the cultural level that the town hall has marked with the celebration of 440 years of history of the town, and that have been  “a cultural revolution” in words of the Mayor Ginés Campillo. A revolution that started last May  with a sculpture exhibition of Salvador Dalí which was showen in  Casas Consistoriales of Mazarrón. A place that, sure, will give more surprises in the next months.

On Monday will be enabled a gallery with photos of the attendees to the inauguration.