The purpose of this order is to establish the quarantine conditions that people from other countries must undergo upon arrival in Spain

Article 1. Purpose.

The purpose of this order is to establish the quarantine conditions that people from other countries must undergo upon arrival in Spain, during the health crisis caused by COVID-19.

Article 2. Quarantine period.

1. People from abroad must be quarantined for 14 days after arrival.

2. During the quarantine period, the people referred to in the previous section must remain at their home or accommodation, and must limit their travel to the following activities:

a) Acquisition of food, pharmaceuticals and basic necessities.

b) Assistance to health centres, services and establishments.

c) Due to force majeure or a situation of need. All movements will be made with a mask.

3. In the same way, they must observe all the hygiene measures and/or prevention of the transmission of the disease caused by COVID-19, especially with regard to contact with cohabitants.

4. The health authorities may contact the people in quarantine to monitor them. In any case, in the event of symptoms such as fever, cough, respiratory distress, general discomfort or other symptoms of a suspected case of COVID-19, quarantined persons should contact the health services by telephone using the numbers supplied by the Regional Authorities, indicating that they are in quarantine for coming from abroad.

5. Cross-border workers, carriers and crews, as well as health professionals who are going to carry out their work activities, are exempt from these measures, provided they have not been in contact with people diagnosed with COVID-19.

6. Travel agencies, tour operators and transport companies must inform travellers of these measures at the beginning of the ticket sales process destined for Spanish territory. In the case of aircraft, companies must provide the public health form to locate passengers (Passenger Location card), contemplated in Annex 9 on facilitation of the International Convention on Civil Aviation, which must be entered by the traveller upon arrival to Spain.