This year it will be valued positively that the works be relationated with the 440 anniversary

The citizens of Mazarrón, children and adults, are called to participate one more year in the contest “Mazarrón Day by Day” that organizes Popular University (UPM) and that today has opened its term of presentation of works, which can concur in six different modalities. They are Poetry, Tale, Redaction, Photography, Comic and Drawing and Painting. The modalities of the contest are subdivided  in different categories that include from primary school courses to adults, with a result of 25 categories.

The presentation has been made by Mazarrón Mayor, Ginés Campillo, and the director of UPM, José María López Ballesta, who have encouraged to the participation and have highlighted that this year “it will be valued very positively” that the works make reference to the celebrations of  440 years of the town independence, although the subject  is free. So,the students of the town can actively participarte in this commemoration and capture in an artistic way what they have learnt in the Digital Books about the history of Mazarrón, edited by the Town Hall and presented some days ago.

Can contest, in addition to all residents, those who are somehow linked to Mazarrón. Each participant can present a maximun of three works until 30 March. The students will preferably present the works in their schools, while that the adults have to delivery them to the Popular University or send them, under the title  XXII Contest and Awards “Mazarrón Day by Day”, to the address  Constitución Avenue, 65 C.P. 30.870 - Mazarrón (Murcia).

It has set a unique award of 200 € for adult categories and 50€ in school supplies for the students. Also, there is an award of 300 € for the school that get a higher participation rate  in the contest. The awards will be given on 20 April and also there will be an exhibition of the presented works in the UPM hall from 20 to 29 April.

Mazarrón Mayor, Ginés Campillo, has shared with López Ballesta the idea of “dedicating 5 minutes to the soul and to the creativity” through the participation in this contest and has qualified the contest of “intelligent” as, by involving the schools, “it is achieved that children have interest in participating in the activities of the town”. The contest receives every year more than 1000 works  “what we are proud as promote the creativity in the citizens”, has highlighted  López Ballesta.