The Dutch photographer has to cover an article in Tanzania for National Geographic

Change of stars on the poster like happens in musis festivals. The photoprapher Frans Lanting, who was to participate in the edition of Fotogenio of this year, can not come to Mazarrón because his bosses from National Geographic have ordered to him a photographic reportage in Tanzania which coincides with the cellebration of the contest the next  days 9, 10 and 11 March.

As the contract for his attendance to the biggest photographic appointment of Spain was already signed and  partly paid, National Geographic has decided to send to Mazarrón other of their star photographers: Steve McCurry. Correspondent veteran in warfare and partner of the  Magnum Photos agency, McCurry is the author of one of the most famous snapshot of the history  “La niña afgana” (Afghan girl).

As explained the Fotogenio´s coordinator , Juan S. Calventus, “Frans Lanting has compromised to record a video as apology for the damage caused to Mazarrón Town Hall and as well to the contest , and of course to the participants”. Despite the absence of  Lanting, the contest has not lost quality thanks to the arrival of McCurry.

Steve McCurry, who was consecrated by being the author of the image declared as the most iconic of the history of National Geographic - the afghan girl with the green eyes that was published as cover of the magazine 1985 - he will speak sure of the story that led him, not only to capture her with his camera, as well to look for her 17 years after having photographed her. An exciting story that has marked a before and after in the photography history.

Fotogenio is still showing names for the meeting of this year. In addition of  McCurry, Bence Máté, Clemente Jiménez, Fructuoso Navarro and Rebeca Saray, will also participate in the contest the acclaimed spanish photojournalist Ricky Dávila and Mauro A. Fuentes Álvarez, who is followed by more than 20.000 people in his blog full of guide, tutorial videos, advices and photographic analysis .

One of the new activities that Fotogenio proposes this year is a porfolio viewing, adapted to the crisis, that will offer to the registered people the possibility of share their work with recognized prefessionals of the photographic medium, receive orientation about their development and promotion, and opt to one of the two awards that will be given to the best porfolios of the contest.