The concentration in Comunidades Autónomas square congregates to tens of curious

Last weekend it was held in Mazarrón the ninth edition of the  “Pimentón Beach Scooter Rally” which brought together more than one hundred of funs to this kind of motorbike. The participants, who came last friday, could enjoy of the benefits and Mazarrón coast thanks to the support given from the Town Hall that has promoted the activity editing T-shirts with the commemoration of the concession of  Villa Privilege.

Between the activities can be highlighted the concentration of scooters that was held on Saturday morning in Comunidades Autónomas square of the port promenade where came tens of citizens, some of them attracted by the curiosity of looking some motorbikes of this kind that could  classified as genuine museum pieces.

The bikers enjoyed of a nice weekend thanks to the good weather that we had during the last days and they could know different places of Mazarrón coast, which they traveled almost entirely for the towns Cañada de Gallego, Bolnuevo and, of course, Mazarrón Port. Also, and on Sundauy day, the participants could know Mazarrón  where they visited Los Vélez Castle.

The Tower Horses, Roman Fish salting factory museum  and Interpretation Center of  the Phoenician Boat completed the visit that had as neuralgic point of the celebrations “La Cumbre” hotel, where some of the registered were accommodated. The organizer of the meeting, Félix Reverte, is having various conversations with representatives of the Town Hall to carry out a new activity in few weeks.