From Silvana Buxton, councillor for Camposol and International Relations

Life is not always kind, in fact, we could say that, in most cases, it is definitely a challenge. The last few weeks have severely tested our capability and our willingness to ‘rise to the challenge’…. When faced with the destructive power of the Coronavirus, and the stringent restrictions imposed by the Government in order to defeat it, many of us have selflessly turned our thoughts to the less fortunate, be it families, elderly or vulnerable people,  and all who are in desperate need of the most basic things that we all take for granted each day, but for them they are  now a lifeline to survival.


And Camposol has risen to the challenge, with its generous response to the selfless donation of face masks organised by Father Juan José from the Church of St José (Puerto de Mazarrón) who is also the President of the Charitable Organization CARITAS, and the cooperation of Silvana Buxton, Councillor for Camposol.


It all began with ‘GIVING’ …


After expressing her concerns to the Mayor of Mazarrón, Gaspar Miras, for lack of face masks for Camposol and the Country Club, Silvana was directed to Father Juanjo (as he is affectionately known by all) who, since the outbreak of the Coronavirus,  has been coordinating the region-wide  distribution  of cotton (or similar material) washable and re-usable face masks, made by his fantastic team of volunteers.


Within days, Father Juanjo provided 250 masks which Silvana distributed in the foyer of Consum (Camposol) on Friday 17th April, by kind permission of Sr. Blas, the Director.  A second supply of 100 masks was distributed on Tuesday 21st April by Sue Tinkler who kindly offered her help.  Alongside the mask-distribution table, a trolley was placed to collect donations of food, toiletries, and anything useful for the needy families in the municipality. This was Father Juanjo’s humble wish, rather than collecting money. The response was staggering … in no-time-at-all a number of trolley-fulls were filled to the brim, for Father Juanjo to collect and take to his distribution centre, and this is still continuing...


In addition, a call for willing people to help make face masks (material provided),  put out by Silvana, is achieving great results, and Father Juanjo is delighted to be able to include the ladies in his team of volunteers, and thus increasing his distribution of face masks to hospitals, nursing homes, organizations, associations, and all who require them throughout the Murcia Region.


And it gets better … a number of ladies led by Mrs Chris Leiper are now knitting for babies, and their generous and skilled work of baby clothes, blankets etc.. will go to the ROSA de CARITAS organization, which is the ‘babies department’ of CARITAS.


The simple action of GIVING, is breaking down the barriers of language and cultural differences, of age and gender, of isolation and solitude.  Help, offered in time of need, will achieve lasting unity and solidarity between the foreign community and the people of the Country we call home.






From Silvana Buxton

Councillor for Camposol and International Relations
