The agreement will mean a reduction of the energy bill and defense of the Environment

Mazarrón Mayor, Ginés Campillo, has signed this week an action  protocol with Universities, Business and Research Counseling to apply measures of energy saving in the town, that has as objective not only decrease in consumption also to reduce the emission of CO2 to the atmosphere. In this way the signed protocol by   Campillo and the titular of the counseling, José Ballesta, expects to emit  22.300 tons less of CO2 when be developed the projects of energy efficiency.

The protocol provides energy saving actions in transport and buildings for the public and private sector, in addition to installing renewable energy in the properties through energy service comnpanies. That will allow “that the Town Hall cheapens its electrical bill, being also more respectful with the Environment ” as has highlighted the Mayor, Ginés Campillo. In the transport sector, the energy saving encourages the use of the bicycle, increases the use of the public transport and the biofuel in the car and also to introduce gradually the electrical cars.

The Town Hall will implant this measures in its own car to reduce the energy consumption, but also as example to the citizen. “In an exercise of responsability, the government have to be the first in giving example for gradual replacement of the conventional energies by renewable” said José Ballesta, who got the support of the Mayor in this sense as “we have to be aware that we should know to manage our resources and bet on clean energies to avoid an enery crisis”, added Campillo.

The protocol is one more step after that the Local Plenary passed the adhesion to the Town Hall to the known as “Pacto de los Alcaldes” (Mayors Covenant), by the towns of Murcia undetake to reduce CO2 emissions in a 20 percent  and implant renewable energies to get a 20% of primary energy in 2020. For that the Autonomous Community is acting with the towns through the Energy Management Agency (Argem). As this  Agency says, the town of Mazarrón consumes 374.435 megavatios (MW) hour, being the transport the sector of increased consumption. Until now are seven the Town Hall (Puerto Lumbreras, Yecla, Cehegín, La Unión, Torre Pacheco, Cartagena and Mazarrón) that have signed this protocol of acting for energy reduction  of their areas.