FITOMUR is composed for 7 women of Mazarrón which include a social worker and a psychologist

Mazarrón Town Hall has adjudged by concourse the Service contract of Provision of Home Help to FITOMUR Cooperative, founded by seven women  of Mazarrón and associated to UCOMUR that will initiate the mentioned Service of Home Help (S.A.D.) on 1st Marcha. This cooperative, according to Mazarrón Mayor, “has the material and human resources accurate to offer excellent services to the users of  S.A.D”.

The components of this cooperative were received in the plenary hall of the town hall by the Mayor Ginés Campillo in an act that had as well the presence of the president of UCOMUR, Juan Antonio Pedreño, Social Politic, Equality and Health Council, María Martínez, and the vice-president of this organization and delegate of it in Mazarrón, Juan Pablo Muñoz. Juan Antonio Pedreño thanked to the Town Hall  “the good direction taken by the Town Hall for the support of the cooperative and the social economy in the Region”.

FITOMUR has, besides of the accredited experience of these women and their academic qualification, a social worker and a psychologist and, as a point to highlight , will put at the disposal of  S.A.D. some new services that will make easy exceedingly the excellence of it. Between them highlight a phone 24 hours  365 days a year (666 99 50 42) that will ensure the permanent contact between users and service, a website  ( that will make easy the specialized information to the users family and a new computer system that will control rigorously the presencial  time  of the auxiliary  of the service, as well as the made work and its quality.

Besides, this cooperative undertakes to dispense to the user the hundred percent of the assigned hours in the Service excluding the travel time, supplementing also with laughter therapy workshops for the users and family, reflexology for people with medical prescription, chiropody and hairdresser services for users with few economic resources, group therapy workshops and reiky, as well as services of legal advice and psychological orientation. The working of S.A.D. will be supervised by the council of Social Politic. Its holder, María Martínez, has commented that  “the Service of Home Help promises to be, with this new awarding, what users and their family of the town need”.

Also, the Plenary of the Mazarrón Town Hall agreed yesterday by unanimity to recognize to the Union of Cooperatives of Associated Work of Murcia Region (UCOMUR) for its work towards  the creation and maintenance of employment through a motion presented by the Mayor-President, Ginés Campillo. The approved proposal also shows the intention of the Town Hall to continue collaborating with UCOMUR for the divulgation of the International Year of the Cooperatives proclaimed by the General Assembly of United Nations for 2012.