Green light for starting a composting plant in a land of Pastrana

The board of government has approved in its session of this week refer to the autonomous community the initation request of the environmental assessment process of Pedreras Industrial Polygon. So it was announced by Mazarrón Mayor, Ginés Campillo, who has highlighted that “with this approval we take the first step to unlock this project that was completely stagnant.”. The mayor has explained that  “in a term of 30 days the Regional Government  will evaluate if it is necessary to carry out this valuation or if we can start its initial approval”.

Also, the board of government has initiated the process to get three new cars for the Local Police by lease and with option to buy.  Ginés Campillo has explained that “ the Local Police has exposed the necessity to renew three of their cars  so they could continue their work satisfactorily ”. The request has been valued and accepted by the government team who will re-use the current vehicles of municipal security force to be allocated in other areas of the town hall, when the new cars arrive.

Also, it has been authorized through commerce department set up facilities in a land of the small local area of Ifre-Pastrana for the treatment of pruning, wood, and vegetable waste. In this way borns a composting plant that  “it doesn´t need a building permission, and it could start through the commerce area thanks to the favorable reports of the department. Mazarrón Mayor has highlighted that  “in a few months we have set up this composting plant and start the paperwork for the attainment  of other infrastructure like that in the small local are of Leiva”.

In the meeting held the last week it was initiated also the process of extinction of the usufruct of the first floor of Mazarrón Casino by “Ateneo Cultural” association so that, in a short time, the building of high artistic and heritage value  “will return to be property of the Town Hall fully”. The government team bet to recover this building. In fact, Ginés Campillo exposed it in a meeting held in Murcia with the councilor of Culture and Tourism, Pedro Alberto Cruz

The Mayor has recognized that “this project involves a high economic investment and from the Autonomous Community have committed to study its viability. What I can assure is that the technicians of the Town Hall will analyze the conditions of the building to write a report that detail the problems that the building has”.