
Boletín Oficial de la Región de Murcia, de fecha 30 de diciembre de 2003
Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón

In compliance with the resolution adopted in regular session the plenary of the Corporation held on October 28, 2003, which stipulated that if no appeal against the record to amend ordinances that will apply from 1 January 2004 , This would mean having finally adopted and proved that it has completed the public exhibition period no claims have occurred, hereby publish that approval becomes final, then published the full text of the ordinance thus complying with the provisions of Article 17 4 of Law 39/1988.

Pursuant to Article 19.1 of Law 39/1988 which regulates the Local Finance, against final passage produced, interested parties may lodge an administrative appeal before the relevant Chamber of the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Murcia, within two months from the date of publication of this edict.

The full text of the final ordinance is adopted which is transcribed below.

Mazarrón, december 19th, 2003

The Mayor
Francisco Blaya Blaya


Ve a Ordenanazas Municipales