The students will be the protagonist in the events with occasion of the World Book Day celebration

Mazarrón Town Hall, through the Municipal Libraries of Mazarrón and Port , has implemented an animation program to the reading  addressed to the students of the childhood education centers and  Primary of the town. The progrma has been presented by Mazarrón Mayor, Ginés Campillo, Education, Culture and Tourism Council, María Celeste Soria, and the responsible of the program, Julia Albaladejo.

Albaladejo has  explained that during these first months of the year  and until April the planned activities are being developed for the second and third cycle of Primary. In this sense, the students of 6º course have to write a tale or story inspirated in a  sheet painting with the central theme of the reading. The students will select the best story of their class to represent them in an exhibition that will be carried out in the Municipal Library of Mazarrón Port and in the Popular University.

On the other hand, the students of 5º course are called to participate in the making of a  power-point about the history of the writing, making the recording of the voice in off of the mentioned presentation in the radio. The result will be projected as reason for the World Book Day. The students of 4º course are making the dramatic reading of a  short play (theatre) “Adventure with Dickens”,to commemorate the bicentenary  of the birth of the famous English novelist  Charles Dickens. In addition of this reading, the program will encourage them to take it on stage and make its representation.

Finally, the students of 3er. course have recovered the traditional tales in funny adaptations in verse that  will have to illustrate in cardboards that also will be exhibited  in Popular University. Julia Albaladejo has explained that   “all the activities have been designed from a  playful perspective  to encourage and promote  the reading and the writing in a  funny way , impulsing the imagination, the literary production, the reading aloud, the love for the theatre, and other artistic manifestations”. From April and until end of course it  will be turn of the first cycle of Primary and childhood courses.

Mazarrón Mayor, Ginés Campillo, was  “especially happy with the work of Julia Albaladejo who coornidated all the activities so necessary for , not only to encourage the reading ,also to make known the libraries; which are not very utilized ”. Also, as the council María Celeste Soria revealed, “this year the celebrations of the activities to commemorate the World Book Day wil be between  20 and 27 April, and whose acts calendar will give to know soon”.