In this contest can participate all students of ESO of the town

The culture council of the Mazarrón Town Hall has called the I Poetry contest  “Declara-te” within the animation campaign to the reading that the libraries of the town carry out. In this contest can  participate all students of compulsory secundary education of the schools of Mazarrón. 

The  participants should present love poems, original and unplublished, which can not have been awarded in other contest. The poems should have a maximun extension of a sheet of one side, preferably by compuer and written in Times New Roman and size 12.

They should be delivered in a closed envelope sheet size with a pseudonym and title of the poem. The envelope should include also a plica ( small envelope) with the student´s name, the school, course and group. The delivery date of the poems will close on 10th February and they should be delivered to the teachers of  Spanish language (Lengua Castellana) of the different schools.

The teachers of each department will make a preselection of the presented poems. There will be a first prize, which will be a electronic tablet plus diploma, and second prize that consists in a Mp3 reproductive plus diploma.The jury, which desicion will be known on 14 February, Valentines day, will be composed by members of culture council of the Town Hall.