The works have been carried out in Cañada de Gallego, Cañadas del Romero and Ordenación Bahía

This morning the deputy Mayor and council of Urban Planning and Infrastructure, Francisco García, has visited with the council of  Management of Urban Public Services, Juan Miguel Muñoz, the works of conditioning of a section of the road that joins the small area of Cañada de Gallego with Puntas de Calnegre and that gives access to the beach of Parazuelos.

In this road, the Town Hall has carried out the improvement of the surface along more than one Km with pavement executed to base of bituminous mix hot . These works have been an investment of 46.402 euros and with they “improves the security of a road that were in bad shape and that the neighbors claimed insistently that were fixed due to the danger of accident ”, has explained Francisco García.

Also were made some works in Cañadas del Romero where  “has been conditioned the roads of the Mulero and the road of the Cemetery, and as well the climb to the church”. In the roads have been patched the surface by irrigation of imprimación and extended, with special attention in the points in which both roads are joined with the road RM-27, where has been improved the surface with asphalt . The climb to the church has been asphalted and next to the hermitage has been conditioned with zahorra “to improve the access and the security in this area”. All of these works have been an investment of 19.079 euros.

Also, today started the reinforcement of the surface of some streets of Ordenación Bahía that had very bad shape by the abandon that they had. The streets that are going to be asphalted are Mar Báltico, Mar Caspio, Mar Amarillo, Mar Negro and Isla Cabo Verde for a total amount of 26.360 euros. The council of Infrastuctures and Urban Planning, Francisco García, has highlighted that “when tomorrow we pass in the plenum the budget of this year we can continue making improvements in other areas of the town, in places where the neighbors ask us solutions”.

The Mayor of Mazarrón, Ginés Campillo, has highlighted that “is for us a priority to improve the services and the conditions of life of the neighbors of the rural areas of the town. These first works are the beginning of a plan of infraestructure in small areas that we are going to make once we pass the budget for this year”. The Mayor has complained that “we have to fight with a difficult economic situation, then the works that we are going to make are an important effort for the town hall, which could have carried out in time of economic bonanza of quicker and larger  way”.