Among the activities highlight “Car Boot Sale” where the students will sell products of second hand

The official language school (EOI) of Mazarrón celebrates this Thursday 18th April its Culture Days in its current location  of C.E.I.P. “Miguel Delibes” of Puerto de Mazarrón. From 5 p.m., will carry out some activities in which collaborates the council of Education of the Town Hall of Mazarrón and where will participate the registered students in the EOI, and also the foreign citizens  that live in the town mainly British.

One of the main activities that will be carried out in these days will be the celebration of a “Car Boot Sale”, that consists in a solidarity market organized by the extension of Mazarrón of the EOI and the British charity established in the town “GOmaD charity”, which is helping during some years to disadvantaged social groups of Mazarrón. The organization, and also the students, will bring donated items to sell them.

During the “Car Boot Sale”, the students of the EOI will be in charge of selling  the products of second hand to the citizens that come to the school, being the entry totally free for everyone. In this way, “the students will expand their knowledge about the British culture, will talk to the British that come to the event and will be participants and will understand the importance of the volunteering”, has highlighted the EOI of Mazarrón in a notice.

The money raised with the sale of the donations will be donated to buy food for the most needy. Also, will be carried out talks and games with which the students will improve, at the same time that they learn, their language skills. Other of the activities scheduled is a contest of photography in which the students of the EOI have to photograph their three favorite places with a short description of the place. For this contest has been prepared some prizes for the three best photographs.