4 job offers have come to the town hall through the PROFEIL agreement

Mazarrón Town Hall, through the council of Local Development, continues working to improve the qualification of the workers of the local companies and  of the unemployed for that these can opt to the requested jobs for the companies of Mazarrón. During February and March have been made some courses.

The course of “Food Hygiene for manipulators ” has been made by 25 unemployed, while that the same number of unemployed people have participated in the course of  “Prevention of labor risks”. In this area of prevention in labor safety, 10 workers and 14 unemployed have attended to the specific course  of carretillero (troley), while that 8 workers and 16 unemployed have made the course of tractorista (tractor).

Other courses carried out from the town hall have been “Prunig olive”, made by 15 farmers and 5 unemployed, the “Course of Home care to dependent people”, that had the participation of 10 workers and 10 unemployed, and the course of  “Computing applied to job search” that has started this week and have been registered 10 unemployed.

For the next month there are two courses scheduled to get the license of “Application of Phytosanitary. Basic level”. Also, through the PROFEIL agreement, approved at the end of January  and signed between the Town Hall and the  hortofrutícolas (vegetable and fruit) companies of  Mazarrón and region, have got four job offers  requesting workers for different jobs. In this way is remembered to the unemployed that are carrying out their training with the town hall that they should register and update their  information in the Local Center of Employment to opt to the different job offers.