The director of Bahía school, Salvador Ardil Moreno, will be the crier this year

Yesterday night was celebrated in San José church  of  Mazarrón Port the presentation of the Poster of Easter of Mazarrón Port that this year shows an image of the Pain Virgin.  The poster has been made by Teresa María López, of “Tere Fotos”, who has commented feeling “tremendously proud, as it has been an honor for me can make this work to which I have dedicated many hours of work and love”.

The act of presentation was chaired by Mazarrón Mayor, Ginés Campillo, who was acompanied by the President of Cabildo Easter Brotherhood of Mazarrón Port, Francisco Muñoz, the president of Pain Virgin Brotherhood, Eusebio Sánchez, and the pastor Justo José Sánchez. As well were the deputy Mayor, Francisco García, Culture, Tourism and Education Council, María Celeste Soria, and Celebration, Commerce and Consumption  Council, Isidro Coy.

Cabildo President, Francisco Muñoz, opened the act dedicating some words to the attendees and revealing that the crier of Easter of Mazarrón Port of this year will be the director of  Bahía School, Salvador Ardil Moreno. As well, Muñoz revealed the name of the Nazarene of the year, title  that has been for the cofrade Francisco Alcázar Martínez. Muñoz

The President of Pain Virgin Brotherhood, Eusebio Sánchez, was excited because his title was the chosen image of this year to promote the Easter of the Port  “as we are 18 years in processions” and he gave thanks “to everybody who make possible the Easter”. Both were attentively listeded by the Vice-president of Cabildo  Easter Brotherhood of Mazarrón, Tomás Zamora.

On the other hand, the Mayor Ginés Campillo explained that “The Easter is a  special date for the town and as well for me”, remembering his years as president of Mazarrón Cabildo, and asked to the people “that participate actively in the acts and processions of Mazarrón and Port” as members of the different Brotherhood, or as spectators of “the cultural and social life of our town”.