These international meetings of the Mediterranean will carry to Mazarrón to distinguished speakers and professors

Mazarrón will receive from 2 to 4 March a new cultural appointment that is destined to become in a meeting point where the reserarch, the history and the present will be the protagonists. PHICARIA, title to which is called to this international meetings of the Mediterranean, debuts this year for all the great and auspiced by the celebration of  440 anniversary of  independence of Almazarrón Villa. The activity is organized by Popular University of Mazarrón (UPM) who has elaborated a full program that this year will relate about the food production in Mediterranean societies.

To the meetings will come various professors and speakers as Ramón Buxó from Archaeological Museum of Cataluña, Violeta Novella and María Saña from Barcelona University, Oihan Mendo from Madrid Complutense University and Mohamed El Mhassani from Fabra, and other professors who come from Murcia, Almería or Granada University. All of them will talk about the mediterranean diet, from a historical or present perspective, and will explain how has been developed the food production in different Mediterranean societies.

As has explained  Mazarrón Mayor, Ginés Campillo, “PHICARIA is a good new for all the mazarroner@s, not only because it links with these ideas of looking for new economic areas, also because through it we open a new line of working that will let to enter in the scientists areas to national and international level”. Besides, its celebration will suppose the arrival of new visitors to the town that supposes a new bet from the Town Hall to start a cultural and leisure program that seasonally adjusted the tourism.

The Manager of UPM, José María López Ballesta, highlighted that “talk about feeding and in particular of the mediterranean diet is something that is current and, therefore, interest everybody”. López Ballesta thanked the participation of the speakers and revised some of the conferences that will talk about Egypt, Marocco or the European Medievo (Middle Ages) and that “will be specially interesting for its deep scientific and informative work”. The presentation had also the presence of Pedro Mora, president  of Doctoral and Graduated School in Philosophy and Literature of Murcia, and Sebastián Ramallo, professor from Murcia University, who predict a good future for PHICARIA.

To participate should fill out the form that can be found in  www.upmazarron.es and send it to phicaria@upmazarron.es. The registration fee will be 60 euros for the general registration. For the students, organized members and colleges in any Professional School  of the state territory, will be 40 euros. To the participants that come from Iberoamerican ambit will have a discount of 50%. The payment allows the attendance to all the sessions and as well receive the material, the mentioned activities and the meals provided in the pregram. The registrations will be formalized sending a email to phicaria@mazarron.es with proof of payment and the full inscription form. The payment will make in the bank account of Cajamurcia: 2043 0039 09 2080000089 telling in the subject “PHICARIA Registration”.