The young visited yesterday Casas Consistoriales where they were received by the Mayor and the council of Education

13 students from the secondary school “Albert College” of the dutch city of Wassenaar have came to  Mazarrón within an exchange program that carries out the Secondary School “Felipe II” of Mazarrón. The young visited yesterday Casas Consistoriales where they were received by the council of Education, María Celeste Soria. After watching a video about the renovation of the emblematic building, the council gave them a bag with gift and touristic information of the town.

In the face of  the desire of the students of knowing the Mayor of Mazarrón, Ginés Campillo left for some minutes his agenda to greet them personally and desire them that have a nice stay in our town. Together with their teachers and the responsable of the project in the secondary school of Mazarrón, the dutch students visited also the area of the mines of Mazarrón. Today they enjoy of a day of activities in Cartagena, while that tomorrow Wednesday they will know in depth  the mazarronera coast. Finally on Thursday will be carried out a leisure workshop in the center.

15 students of  I.E.S. “Felipe II” were already by early February in Holland within an exchange program, where they carried out also different cultural activities. The exchange is made with the aim of that the students, Spanish and Dutch, practice the English language and know other cultures. This, and other initiatives that are developed at the educational center, can be followed through the website www.iesfelipesegundo.es .