The opening act was attended by Elisa and Camino Delibes, daughters of the vallisoletano (from Valladolid) writer

This morning Mazarrón Mayor, Ginés Campillo, and the Education, Training and Employment Counselor, Constantino Sotoca, have inaugurated officially the Center of Primary Education “Miguel Delibes” of Mazarrón Port. The event was ateended as well by the President of Miguel Delibes Foundation, Elisa Delibes, and Camino Delibes, daughters of the vallisoletano writer , and also the Director of this Foundation, Alfonso León. After the reception of the Counselor, all of them have discovered first the plaque with the name of the center. They have made it accompanied of some members of the Town Hall and educational community center.

After that, each one of the participants institutions has introduced in a “time capsule” some objects or documents to commemorate this inauguration. So, the school center has inserted a photo of the cloister teachers of this year, one of each course and a draft and some chalks. “Miguel Delibes” Foundation has contributed a medal with the effigy of the writer and a copy of his work. The Town Hall has introduced the Plenary agreement where it was assigned the school name and the counseling, finally, a parchment of its compromise with the new school center. The idea is that in 25 years the capsule be opened, and, then, possibly some will see for first time in their life a box of chalks or a draft.

Later was made a tour for the facilities visiting the open classroom of the school and two classroom, one of childhood education and other of primary. Finally Campillo, Sotoca, Delibes and the director of the new school, Diego Morales, has left their signature in the signature book of the Town Hall. It should be noted that the “Miguel Delibes” Foundation has given a collection of books of the writer for the library of the school so that the students can know better the figure of the person that names  the school. Also has been given a copy of the first book edited by the Foundation since it was started to the Town Hall, the counseling and the school.

The surprise has occurred when the students of the school have given to Sotoca, Campillo and Delibes an original work about Miguel Delibes that they have made with their own hands all the students of the center. It was a notebook with photopgraphs, drawings and quotations related to the writer from Valladolid. The CEIP Miguel Delibes has nowadays with an open Classroom, five childhood classrooms and one of Primary and, as the years go passing, the other courses will be completed. In addition, soon will start the works of the sport pavilion  that will suppose to have a new infrastucture not only for the school, also for the town.

Mazarrón Mayor, Ginés Campillo, felt very satisfied “so that center means for the education in the town and as well for me personally, as it is the first inauguration that I made and for taking studies of Teaching this school sopposes the quadrature of a circle that was unfinished”. The Mayor has augured “a big future for Miguel Delibes school as it has a cloister teacher highly qualified  and with a large formation”.

On the other hand, the Education counselor, Constantino Sotoca, has highlighted that “inaugurate a school is a signal of that education is a priority” and he ensured that from the Autonomous Community “will continue improving in educational infrastructures of the Región”. Sotoca has qualified  to  Elisa and Camino Delibes of “ambassadors” of the school, while they have thanked to the school and to the Town Hall that the name of their father has been chosen because “in addition to be the best tribute for him, also it is the best way to diffuse his figure and his work”. The president of  “Miguel Delibes”  Foundation has told that her father  “used to come many times to Murcia, above all to Paco Rabal House in Águilas, and in his mail there are several letters from Murcia University”.