The activity has been financed by Education Council as a bet to improve the training of the students

Today has been carried out in the secondary school “Felipe II” and “Domingo Valdivieso” an activity financed by Education council of the Town Hall Mazarrón which consists in a didactic concert of 10 songs with letters in 3 languages: English, French and Spanish. This activity, that has been named under the name  “Put you a 10”, “not only looks for that the students improve their foreign language skills, also to promote the defense of human rights”, as said the council of Education, Tourism and Culture, María Celeste Soria.

The songs performed during the activity have been aimed to encourage between the young civic values “like the respect, the equality between men and women, or the solidarity, and others”, has explained the council, who has visited the I.E.S. “Felipe II” to check how was developed the activity. This musical workshop has been made for the students of music of 2º, 3º y 4º of E.S.O. and it has been carried out by a singer and a pianist that, besides of being language teachers, they have a great experience in this kind of concerts destined to the students of secondary.

The music teacher of I.E.S “Felipe II”, José Mª Valero, has thanked to the Town Hall its support  in this initiative that demostrates “the bet of the Town Hall by the Education”. María Celeste Soria has highlighted that “for us is important that our young get a good training and, as we live in a town multicultural like our, is vital the management of the foreign languages”. A management that also “should serve to improve our image to the tourism that we are attracting with the cultural and tourist bets implemented from the Town Hall”, has noted.